hello, the page that I like to visit is "Plataforma Arquitectura", the link is plataformaarquitectura.cl.
this page is mainly composed of articles and projects. the articles are about many topic, from winners of some contest or some specific topic about architecture and the projects they publish are varied, which is good, because on this page they dont focus on just one area.
I visit this page ocassionally in the week, usually when I'm bored in the metro or on the train.
I like this page mainly for the variety that gives us about architecture.
other page that I visit is "Pinterest", the link is pinterest.es.
I like this page beacause helps me see references for some project since one places some words in the search engine and it shows us many images of related projects to the word we were looking. also allows us to make folders where we can saving images or separate them by themes.
I visit this page more than once a day, mainly on the train because I get bored mainly and I look for images that help me in the workshop orders jajajaj.
Hi Milton, I think that this page it's very important and useful for all architecture students, I like this website very much ;)
ResponderBorrarSorry Milton, But I think that "plataforma Arquitectura" it is a good page, but I do not like to much, A lot of times when they publicate works do not show a deep knowledge about the works, they are only worry about how to sell an imagen. But it is a good iniciative, and have a lot of referents upload, you always cand find something to study or learn.
ResponderBorrarHi Milton, I like this page too, I agree that this website is good tool to search references
ResponderBorrarI think is very cool and helpful that plataform and I don't know If in the area of Design, there is something similar.
ResponderBorrarPinterest is a good "place" to search references, there are a lot of ideas to get inspired.